- bracing machine
- Car lock
- Fasten tightly
- Fix firmly
- Grasp firmly
- Grip
- Grip firmly
- Vice
- Wickedness
- Absence of, or deviation from, just dealing; want of
rectitude or uprightness; gross injustice; unrighteousness; wickedness;
as, the iniquity of bribery; the iniquity of an unjust judge.
- An iniquitous act or thing; a deed of injustice o/
unrighteousness; a sin; a crime.
- A character or personification in the old English
moralities, or moral dramas, having the name sometimes of one vice and
sometimes of another. See Vice.
- Iniquity
- Vice
- The quality or state of being wicked; departure from
the rules of the divine or the moral law; evil disposition or
practices; immorality; depravity; sinfulness.
- A wicked thing or act; crime; sin; iniquity.