- Bleak though sometimes seen as mild
- Causing gloom
- Causing gloom or depression
- Dreary
- Dreary, gloomy
- End of the road is bad in France. Downright miserable!
- End of the road is bad in France. right miserable!
- Forlorn
- Listless
- Sad
- World power happy and sad at the same time
- Wretched
- Not happy or fortunate; unfortunate; unlucky; as, affairs
have taken an unhappy turn.
- In a degree miserable or wretched; not happy; sad;
sorrowful; as, children render their parents unhappy by misconduct.
- Deep rest called for when running low on spirits
- Dejected
- Downcast
- Frustrated
- Journalists, indeed, appeared miserable
- Sad
- Unhappy
- Sad
- Unhappy
- Full of sorrow; exhibiting sorrow; sad; dejected;
- Producing sorrow; exciting grief; mournful; lamentable;
grievous; as, a sorrowful accident.
- Bulging
- Deflated
- Dejected
- Disappointed
- Family seal having tumbled, dejected
- Sad
- Unhappy