Universal Solution In Pan A Seer Announced Crossword Clue

Latest updated: 28-08-2020
Below are possible answer for general crossword clue: universal solution in pan a seer announced. We have 2 answers for universal solution in pan a seer announced in our database.

Possible answers to universal solution in pan a seer announced

- A canape could be a cure-all
- All-purpose remedy
- Cure for all ills
- Cure-all
- Dad embraced a top pilot as the answer to everything
- Magic potion
- Personal assistant involves an elite pilot in production of cure-all

- Cure all remedy
- Cure-all
- Pianos, trumpets, hide remedy
- Quack remedy
- Universal solution in pan, a seer announced(7)
- A medicine, the ingredients of which are kept secret for the purpose of restricting the profits of sale to the inventor or proprietor; a quack medicine.
- Any scheme or device proposed by a quack.

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