- Condition
- Position in society
- Position or standing
- Prestige, standing
- Rank
- Relative rank
- Relative standing in station
- Be quiet and copy outline
- Build mould to form semblance of outline
- Circle or square
- Condition
- configures
- Fit, in good ...
- Form
- Condition
- Well, in fine ...
- To repair; to prepare; to put in order.
- To cover or line with a mixture of ore, cinders, etc., as
the hearth of a puddling furnace.
- To make preparations; to put things in order; to do
trifling business.
- The act of fettling.
- A test about the nation
- Condition
- Condition of nation
- Country
- Declare
- Express clearly
- Express verbally
- Inconsistancy
- Variable condition
- Changeableness.