- Clone
- Counterspy, ... agent
- Dead ringer, twice over
- Look-alike large enough for two?
- Multiply by 2
- Server’s loss of point, ... fault
- Twice
- A straight line on a circle passing through the centre point
- Distance across a circle
- I am kept in to deter thickness, in circle
- Straight line through a circle
- Thickness
- Transverse measurement
- Twice radius
- Delay
- Falter
- Pause
- She ate it chopped up! Hold back a bit!
- Show doubt or indecision
- Think twice
- Think twice when I see that building
- A number
- Boxing ring count
- Cardinal number
- Decimal base
- Decimal number
- Figure gives net return
- Half a score
- Cooked twice
- Warmed up left overs
- Warmed up leftovers