- Alehouses
- Bed-and-breakfasts
- Establishments where travellers can seek lodging
- Finns head off to hotels
- Hotels
- London’s ... of Court
- Pubs
- A little Scottish bed
- a small sleeping space
- Baby's bed
- Baby’s bed
- Bed
- Bed for a baby
- Bed for initial comfort of toddler
- B & Bs
- B and Bs
- B&Bs
- Bed & breakfasts
- Bed-and-breakfasts
- Bed-andbreakfasts
- Boarding establishments
- Destroy mailbag
- Dismiss
- Dismiss (from job)
- Fire
- Give notice of what is needed for picnic race
- Hit it when you retire, get it when you’re made redundant
- Large bag
- Bed cushion
- Cushion
- Head support
- Headrest
- Anything used to support the head of a person when
reposing; especially, a sack or case filled with feathers, down, hair,
or other soft material.
- A piece of metal or wood, forming a support to equalize
pressure; a brass; a pillow block.
- A block under the inner end of a bowsprit.