- Postpone (appointment)
- Re-timetable
- Rearrange
- Schedule
- Strange inertia has Ray without a travel plan
- Timetable
- Tour timetable
- Travel plan
- Itinerant; traveling; passing from place to place; done
on a journey.
- An account of travels, or a register of places and
distances as a guide to travelers; as, the Itinerary of Antoninus.
- Discussion list
- Discussion schedule
- Get on and rehash order of business
- In Copenhagen, Danes have discussion list
- List of items for attention
- List of items for discussion
- List of items for discussion at a meeting
- Agenda
- Clues he’d mistaken for timetable
- Concert tour dates
- Designate time for line-up of events
- Timetable
- A written or printed scroll or sheet of paper; a
document; especially, a formal list or inventory; a list or catalogue
annexed to a larger document, as to a will, a lease, a statute, etc.
- To form into, or place in, a schedule.
- Replans
- Revises timetable
- Sets a new date for