- Blue
- Blue shandy? That's odd!
- Blue shandy? That’s odd!
- bulging
- Crusade miserable without the motley group
- Despondent
- Dismal
- Highly-strung
- Overwrought
- Passionate
- psychological
- Tearful
- Worked up
- Pertaining to, or characterized by, emotion; excitable;
easily moved; sensational; as, an emotional nature.
- Apt to cry
- Tear-jerker
- Tearful
- Tearful
- Generating or shedding tears; given to shedding tears;
suffused with tears; tearful.
- A vegetable
- An edible bulb
- Bulb in kitchen
- Bulb used in cooking
- Bulb vegetable
- bulbous vegetable
- Chicago owes its name to a wild relative of what vegetable?