- A bog
- Boggy ground
- Soft boggy area
- Swamp
- Soft, wet, miry land, which shakes or yields under the
- broad shallow crater
- Broad shallow lake
- I’m upset with regard to marshy area
- In France, mother is trifling
- Lake shimmered to some extent
- No more than
- Not difficult
- Consume
- Inundate
- Overwhelm
- Swallow up
- Swamp
- Swamp elf encircled distressed gnu
- Swamp half-open chasm
- Marsh has smell, good at first
- Peat landscape for artless actor Humphrey
- Sphagnum source
- Swamp
- A quagmire filled with decayed moss and other vegetable
matter; wet spongy ground where a heavy body is apt to sink; a marsh; a
- A little elevated spot or clump of earth, roots, and grass, in
a marsh or swamp.
- To sink, as into a bog; to submerge in a bog; to cause to
sink and stick, as in mud and mire.
- Fen
- Low lying wet land
- Low wetland
- Low-lying wetland
- Swamp
- Wetland
- Wetlands