Sudden Fear Crossword Clue

Latest updated: 17-02-2021
Below are possible answer for quick crossword clue: sudden fear. We have 7 answers for sudden fear in our database.

Possible answers to sudden fear

- A stampede
- Acute anxiety
- Alarm
- Alarm skillet, I see
- Become hysterical
- Contagious fear
- Extreme fear

- A left-wing warning
- Apprehension
- Burglar deterrent
- Burglary warning
- Call to action
- Cowardice
- Danger alert

- Fear aroused when flight changes left to right
- Scare
- Shock one side in conflict
- Sudden fear
- Sudden fear or alarm
- Sudden terror
- A state of terror excited by the sudden appearance of danger; sudden and violent fear, usually of short duration; a sudden alarm.

- Struck with a panic, or sudden fear.

- cause to jump with fear
- Frighten
- Horrify
- Small car with eastern alarm
- Spook
- Sudden fright
- Tense situation

- To impress with sudden fear; to frighten; to alarm.
- Affrighted.
- Sudden and great fear; terror. It expresses a stronger impression than fear, or apprehension, perhaps less than terror.
- The act of frightening; also, a cause of terror; an object of dread.

- Affright; the state of being frightened; sudden fear or alarm.

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