- A leisurely walk
- Go aimlessly
- Go off on a tangent about Andrew
- Roam
- Saunter
- Stray
- To ramble here and there without any certain course or
with no definite object in view; to range about; to stroll; to rove;
as, to wander over the fields.
- Ramble
- Rove
- Stray
- Travel from place to place
- Wander
- Wander about
- Wander about like ram, with nothing to hide
- Away lose touch
- Float
- Float around aimlessly
- Float on current
- Flow with tide
- General meaning
- Gist
- Hammer
- Hammer currency unit
- Hit hard
- Mass unit
- oz hammer
- Sixteen ounces
- Stray-dog depot
- To stray.
- Any valuable animal, not wild, found wandering from its
owner; a stray.