- A speech at a funeral service - Burial service speech - Every other sequel for Guy is a tribute - Funeral oration - Funeral service speech - Praise - speech in one's honor
- A long speech by one person - Long dramatic speech - Long speech by one actor in a play - Sermon - A speech uttered by a person alone; soliloquy; also,
talk or discourse in company, in the strain of a soliloquy; as, an
account in monologue. - A dramatic composition for a single performer.
- Audio effect - Border on - Bounce back by taking heart from each other somehow - Bounce back by taking heart from each other Sonlehow - Code word for the letter E - Copy - In speech, one may detect repeated sound
- A long speech from one in business - A tired sort of diatribe - Angry outburst - Angry speech - Declamation - Denounced Thai raid in angry speech - Denunciation