- Distance
- Duration
- End to end
- Extent; duration
- It can be quite long in time or distance
- It goes from one extreme to the other
- Linear magnitude
- Bestride
- Extend across
- Sit astride and half rest on broken ladder
- Sit astride and halfrest on broken ladder
- Span
- Stand with one leg on either side
- To part the legs wide; to stand or to walk with the
legs far apart.
- Angry
- Bad-tempered
- Crotchety
- One of many displayed along harley street
- Out of sorts
- Span
- Vampire repellent
- Card game
- Card game using top deck
- Connection between beachhead and top of mountain chain
- Dental device
- Game to record violin part
- Overpass
- Path over water
- Decay eroded switch
- Go around
- Gyrate
- Make the rounds
- Revolve
- Revolve or spin
- Span