- Anoint
- Daub
- Daub with anything
- Defame
- Dirty mark
- Malign
- Rub over thickly
- A smudge
- Become unfocused
- Fuzzy picture
- Hazy and indistinct
- Hazy memory of making trouble and losing digit
- ill defined spot
- Ill-defined spot
- Bad mark
- Blemish
- Ink spot
- Rorschach ink ... test
- small ugly things
- Smudge
- Soak (up)
- ... Twain, novelist
- A brand
- Distinguish
- Exam score
- Gospel writer in supermarket
- Grade work
- Margaret Thatcher’s son
- Irregular spot
- Smudge
- A blot or spot, as of color or of ink; especially a large
or irregular spot. Also Fig.; as, a moral blotch.
- A large pustule, or a coarse eruption.