- Indicate - Indicate or designate - Mean something inside, not elsewhere - Show clearly - Signify - To mark out plainly; to signify by a visible sign; to
serve as the sign or name of; to indicate; to point out; as, the hands
of the clock denote the hour. - To be the sign of; to betoken; to signify; to mean.
- Exhibit, manifest - Revel Presence Of - revel presence of the - Show clearly - To conquer; to subdue. - To show in a clear manner; to prove beyond any
reasonable doubt; to manifest; to make evident; to bring to light; to
- Argue - Argue against - Protest - To point out; to show clearly; to make plain or
manifest; hence, to prove; to demonstrate. - To present and urge reasons in opposition to an
act, measure, or any course of proceedings; to expostulate; as, to
remonstrate with a person regarding his habits; to remonstrate against
proposed taxation.