- "Well done!"
- As ... as a pin
- cool person of yore
- Dandy
- Extremely charismatic and stylish
- Good (fit)
- In an orderly condition
- Arranged neatly and in order
- In order to make a tiny change
- Neat
- Neat and in order
- Shipshape
- Stylish
- Well organised
- Best organised
- Have a meal in Robin’s home – it’s tidiest
- Heard knee test is the most orderly
- Most orderly
- Most orderly teens at fault
- Most shipshape
- Simplest (solution)
- Ditties (anag)
- Least cluttered
- Most neat
- Most shipshape
- Mr Amin in test for neatest
- Neatest
- Silly ditties are the neatest!
- Made shipshape
- Neatened