- Assess ability of - Candidates’ assessment - Exam - Exam setback on final attempt - Examine - First trial exam? Such torment! - International cricket match
- Pertaining to experiment; founded on, or derived
from, experiment or trial; as, experimental science; given to, or
skilled in, experiment; as, an experimental philosopher. - Known by, or derived from, experience; as,
experimental religion.
- Custom - Dental surgery drill - Drill found in dentist's surgery - GP’s operation could make perfect - Rehearsal - Systematic training - Frequently repeated or customary action; habitual
performance; a succession of acts of a similar kind; usage; habit;
custom; as, the practice of rising early; the practice of making
regular entries of accounts; the practice of daily exercise.
- That branch of the science of mechanics which
relates to fluids, or, as usually limited, which treats of the laws of
motion and action of nonelastic fluids, whether as investigated
mathematically, or by observation and experiment; the principles of
dynamics, as applied to water and other fluids.