- Again do duty with restraint
- Armed forces not on active duty who can be called in an emergency
- Auxiliary
- Backup
- Backup (troops)
- Book
- Book player on the bench
- Put off
- Restrain
- Check; hindrance; restraint; obstacle.
- The projection or loop on the thill of a vehicle. to
which a strap of the harness is attached, to hold back a carriage when
going down hill, or in backing; also, the strap or part of the harness
so used.
- A prop
- Adjournment
- Command to dog
- Common canine command
- Continue
- Dog trainer’s command
- important rope on a sailing ship
- Deferred
- Detained
- Held up
- Held up by deposit, indeed
- Place was indeed held up
- Put off
- Put off deposit indeed
- Postpone
- Postpone Indefinitely
- Put aside or postpone
- Put off
- Put on back burner
- Set aside
- Sh! Elves endlessly put things aside
- Adjourn
- Adjourn to a future date
- Dr Fee mad to delay
- Give in
- Give way to
- Hold over
- Postpone
- Discourage
- Discourage from acting
- Discourage odd diet theory
- Discourage something
- Dissuade
- Frighten from
- Prevented from acting