- A genus of plants of the Rose family. - The name is also given to various other plants; as, hemp
agrimony (Eupatorium cannabinum); water agrimony (Bidens).
- A flowering shrub - A genus of shrubs having opposite, petiolate leaves and
cymose flowers, several species of which are cultivated as ornamental,
as the laurestine and the guelder-rose.
- A perennial herb (Epilobium spicatum) with narrow
willowlike leaves and showy rose-purple flowers. The name is sometimes
made to include other species of the same genus.
- A genus of papaveraceous plants, found in California
and upon the west coast of North America, some species of which produce
beautiful yellow, orange, rose-colored, or white flowers; the
California poppy.
- A genus of perennial herbs (Helleborus) of the Crowfoot
family, mostly having powerfully cathartic and even poisonous
qualities. H. niger is the European black hellebore, or Christmas rose,
blossoming in winter or earliest spring. H. officinalis was the
officinal hellebore of the ancients. - Any plant of several species of the poisonous liliaceous
genus Veratrum, especially V. album and V. viride, both called white
- Actress with principal or queen with Albert - An Australian State - Australian state - A genus of aquatic plants named in honor of Queen
Victoria. The Victoria regia is a native of Guiana and Brazil. Its
large, spreading leaves are often over five feet in diameter, and have
a rim from three to five inches high; its immense rose-white flowers
sometimes attain a diameter of nearly two feet. - A kind of low four-wheeled pleasure carriage, with a
calash top, designed for two persons and the driver who occupies a high
seat in front. - An asteroid discovered by Hind in 1850; -- called also