Root Vegetable Crossword Clue

Latest updated: 28-03-2023
Below are possible answer for quick crossword clue: root vegetable. We have 7 answers for root vegetable in our database.

Possible answers to root vegetable

- Root vegetable

- Beat route, I hear, to yield vegetable
- Go red as a ...
- Magenta colour
- Red vegetable
- Root vegetable
- Salad item
- Salad vegetable

- Oca or Yam
- Potato or yam
- Potato, eg
- Root vegetable
- Rounded swelling
- The swollen underground stem or root of a plant such as a potato
- Underground root

- Edible root
- Kumara
- Root vegetable
- Yam-like vegetable

- Root vegetable
- See Oyster plant (a), under Oyster.

- A sweet potato
- A tuber
- Edible tuber
- Israeli coastal city
- May flip over tuber
- May return for a sweet potato
- May return vegetable

- Edible root
- Puritan discards a cooked vegetable
- Root vegetable
- Tip urn over to find ingredient for soup
- The edible, fleshy, roundish, or somewhat conical, root of a cruciferous plant (Brassica campestris, var. Napus); also, the plant itself.

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