Remove Colour From Crossword Clue

Latest updated: 19-04-2018
Below are possible answer for general crossword clue: remove colour from. We have 10 answers for remove colour from in our database.

Possible answers to remove colour from

- Lose colour
- Peroxide was the first bottle to leak
- Remove colour from
- Toilet cleaner
- To make white, or whiter; to remove the color, or stains, from; to blanch; to whiten.
- To grow white or lose color; to whiten.

- Accurate
- Edit
- Free from error
- Make free from errors
- Redress
- Remove errors from
- Right

- Emancipate
- Let go
- Release bonds allowing China to be freely involved with United Nations
- remove shackles from
- Set free
- Set free, unshackle
- To free from chains or slavery; to let loose.

- At sea, secure salvage
- Bail out (ailing bank)
- Bailout
- Deliver
- Deliver from danger
- Deliver from harm
- Deliver or save

- get rid of faults in
- Refine (software)
- Remove errors from
- Remove Flaws From Computer Program
- Remove glitches from software
- Remove insects or microphones from wide bugle

- Conduct (oneself)
- Exile
- Expel from a country
- Extradite
- Find innocent Mac quite safe without me
- remove from country
- Roped off Terminal One to force foreign national to leave

- Cast out
- Dispossess by law
- Eject
- Eject (tenant)
- Eject from home
- Eject from home in heartless, evil act
- Eject from house

- Alter (text)
- Correct
- Correct (text)
- Correct Ed about men 
- Correct errors
- Correct errors of insincere mendacity
- Correct in manner

- Alter (text)
- Alter or improve wording
- Amend
- Arrange for publication
- Change text
- Check copy
- Check for publication, etc.

- Chileans trim his mop
- Dirt free
- Dirt-free
- Disinfected
- Drug-free
- Free from crime and grime
- Free from dirt

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