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Meaning of evict

- To dispossess by a judicial process; to dispossess by paramount right or claim of such right; to eject; to oust.
- To evince; to prove.

Crossword clue for evict

- Cast out
- Dispossess by law
- Eject
- Eject (tenant)
- Eject from home
- Eject from home in heartless, evil act
- Eject from house
- Expel from a building
- Expel from a property
- Force out
- Kick out of eastern half of Victoria
- Legal passage
- Legally expel
- Oust
- Oust (tenant)
- Oust from property
- Remove from house
- Throw out
- Throw out of home
- Throw out some unfortunate victim
- Turf out
- Turn out (tenant)