- Am dropping off Mediation issue - An issue - Before I go on, redesign diet issue - Book copy - Cam dropped off medication issue - Issue - Most of expedition has become an issue
- Charge with a crime - Make a reservation - Novel - Publication - Reserve - Script - A collection of sheets of paper, or similar material, blank,
written, or printed, bound together; commonly, many folded and bound
sheets containing continuous printing or writing.
- Glossy paper clip? - Periodical publication - regular publication - A receptacle in which anything is stored, especially
military stores, as ammunition, arms, provisions, etc. - The building or room in which the supply of powder is
kept in a fortification or a ship. - A chamber in a gun for holding a number of cartridges to
be fed automatically to the piece. - A pamphlet published periodically containing
miscellaneous papers or compositions.