Postulate Crossword Clue

Latest updated: 19-03-2025
Below are possible answer for quick crossword clue: postulate. We have 5 answers for postulate in our database.

Possible answers to postulate

- An expressed opinion
- Forward thinking
- Guessing
- Guesswork
- Postulate
- The act of supposing, laying down, imagining, or considering as true or existing, what is known not to be true, or what is not proved.
- That which is supposed; hypothesis; conjecture; surmise; opinion or belief without sufficient evidence.

- Affirm
- Aver
- Avouch
- Claim a tress is skewwhiff
- Claim positively
- Contend
- Declare

- Affirm
- Assert as the truth
- Postulate
- Put forward
- Put in place
- Take for granted
- To dispose or set firmly or fixedly; to place or dispose in relation to other objects.

- of Postulate
- Assumed without proof; as, a postulated inference.

- A postulate.

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