- Feign
- Make believe
- Play act
- Pose as
- Pose as, pretend
- To lay a claim to; to allege a title to; to claim.
- To hold before, or put forward, as a cloak or disguise
for something else; to exhibit as a veil for something hidden.
- Abuse
- Daring act? Play on!
- Daring deed
- Feat
- Make the most effective use of a resource etc.
- Make use of
- Play upon (weakness)
- Act of disporting; diversion; play.
- The itch in animals; also, a scab.
- To play mean tricks; to act shabbily.
- To scratch; to rub.
- Horse rider
- Professional race rider
- Racehorse rider
- Rider
- A professional rider of horses in races.
- A dealer in horses; a horse trader.
- A cheat; one given to sharp practice in trade.
- To play the sovereign; to act the monarch.
- To rule; to govern.
- Decree
- Draw up
- Elizabeth the First unfortunately can’t create law
- Establish by law
- Make a law
- Make into law
- Ordain by law