- A memento - Ancient artefact - Ancient remnant - Ancient remnant of rice left scattered around - Antique stashed away by derelict - Bygone age remnant - Centre licensed to carry ancient artefact
- A terminal point where something is concluded - Aim for the final - Aim to finish - Aim to have weight removed from tendon - Become, ... up - Brenda removed bra ... that’s the last straw! - Butt
- The principal garment of a Hindoo woman. It consists of a
long piece of cloth, which is wrapped round the middle of the body, a
portion being arranged to hang down in front, and the remainder passed
across the bosom over the left shoulder.
- A larger amount than is needed - Accessory - Accessory for cast member in background - Actor hired for crowd scenes - Actor in a crowd scene - Actor in crowd scene used to be semitragic - Actor used for crowd scenes
- Left over - Remainder - Remaining part - Pertaining to a residue; remaining after a part is taken. - The difference of the results obtained by observation,
and by computation from a formula. - The difference between the mean of several observations
and any one of them.