- Gambler - Person who bets - One who punts; specifically, one who plays against the
banker or dealer, as in baccara and faro. - One who punts a football; also, one who propels a punt.
- One who will accept bets on sporting events - Person who accepts bets - Punters’ betting agent - Turf accountant - One who writes and publishes books; especially, one who
gathers his materials from other books; a compiler. - A betting man who "makes a book." See To make a book,
under Book, n.
- Fletcher Christian, for example, was mute in ear report - Insubordinate crew member - Insubordinate crewman - person who rebels - Rebellious Christian follower - Rebels on ship - Revolutionary
- Defacer - Destructive person - Five plus Pacino hold destructive criminal - Malicious destroyer - One who damages property - Person who damages property - Person who deliberately destroys property