- Matching half - Opposite number - Opposite number has role to play behind bar - Peer - A part corresponding to another part; anything which
answers, or corresponds, to another; a copy; a duplicate; a facsimile. - One of two corresponding copies of an instrument; a
duplicate. - A person who closely resembles another.
- Closely follow opposition - Dark shape cast by the sun - Follow secretly - Follow someone secretly - Inseparable companion is opposite number - Reflected image - Shroud
- “Page is enemy!” DiCaprio said - Begin formally organising literature in official large volume - Book leaf - Foe Leo acknowledged on book page - Folded sheet paper - Fool about holding one sheet of paper - Large book
- A number or mark placed opposite the lower part of a
letter or symbol to distinguish the symbol; thus, a0, b1, c2, xn, have
0, 1, 2, and n as subindices.