- Crew
- Cricket squad
- Group of footballers
- Group of players
- Group of workers
- On-field line-up
- One side
- Alongside
- In addition
- in proximity to
- Irrelevant, ...the point
- Nearby
- Next to
- Next to what’s said to be the secondary track
- Again do duty with restraint
- Armed forces not on active duty who can be called in an emergency
- Auxiliary
- Backup
- Backup (troops)
- Book
- Book player on the bench
- Amiss
- An amusingly ironic speech goes haywire
- Askew
- Cockeyed
- Crooked askew
- Crookedly wary
- Misaligned
- Ask East and West for a bias? That’s crooked!
- At an angle
- Awry
- Crooked
- Lopsided
- Not straight
- Skew whiff
- Divert to less important position and deliberately avoid tea
- Move out of the way
- Push to one side
- Transfer rolling stock from track to track
- To shun; to move from.
- To cause to move suddenly; to give a sudden start to; to
- To turn off to one side; especially, to turn off, as a
grain or a car upon a side track; to switch off; to shift.
- A part of the foot
- Back part of a shoe
- Cad gives command to dog
- Foot part
- He takes the Spanish part of Italy?
- Lean to one side
- Lie down