- Easily angered
- febrile
- Fiendish curry is extremely hot
- hot
- Hot-headed
- Impassioned
- In flames
- Busy
- Engaging in energetic physical pursuits
- In operation; busy
- Lively section of play I have briefly followed
- On fire
- On the go
- On the move
- Afire
- Aflame
- Burning
- Caught up in inferno
- Lit up
- On fire
- On fire; in a blaze, gleaming.
- Ablaze
- Aroused
- Blazing
- Blazing, fiery
- Burning
- Glowing
- Lit up
- Burning
- Disembark
- Dismount
- Get off
- Lit up
- On fire
- To spring down, get down, or descend, as from on
horseback or from a carriage; to dismount.