- Do not enter crusade to remove billboard? - Exclusive notice campaign to ban hype - It’s free but you’re not allowed in - Permission to enter denied! - Sign barring access - Sign discouraging entry
- Crossword pattern - Electrical supply network - frame of parallel bars - Grating before lock? - It gives power to the people - It gives the power to the people - Lattice
- Bad mood - Disposition - If yours is bad, you're sure to lose it - If yours is bad, you’re sure to lose it - Mood - Mood of casual queen - Mood of casual worker and queen
- Body part - Body part hidden in Seattle garage - Contents of a stocking? - Help, give a ... up - If it comes before wicket, you’re out on a limb - Limb - Lower limb
- Destroy mailbag - Dismiss - Dismiss (from job) - Fire - Give notice of what is needed for picnic race - Hit it when you retire, get it when you’re made redundant - Large bag