More Acute Crossword Clue

Latest updated: 05-11-2018
Below are possible answer for quick crossword clue: more acute. We have 6 answers for more acute in our database.

Possible answers to more acute

- Keener (blade)
- More acute
- A person who bargains closely, especially, one who cheats in bargains; a swinder; also, a cheating gamester.

- Absolve
- Absolve 100 Romans who take on Shakespeare’s mad king
- Apparent
- Become fine (of weather)
- Bright
- Calculator button is obvious
- Cloudless (sky)

- Grind (knife)
- Hone
- Make a point about nasty rash on writer
- Whet
- To make sharp.
- To give a keen edge or fine point to; to make sharper; as, to sharpen an ax, or the teeth of a saw.
- To render more quick or acute in perception; to make more ready or ingenious.

- Being deliberately slow to understand
- Blunt
- Blunt (angle)
- Dim-witted
- Not pointed
- Not sharp
- Slow to get wider angle

- Devising (plot)
- of Hatch
- A mode of execution in engraving, drawing, and miniature painting, in which shading is produced by lines crossing each other at angles more or less acute; -- called also crosshatching.

- A climb upwards
- Climb
- Climb or rise
- Climb up
- Dances about to gain height
- Go up
- Go up as first climbers finish

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