- Clamminess
- Humidity
- Moistness
- Moisture
- Moderate humidity; moisture; fogginess; moistness.
- Dry
- Dry up
- Extract moisture
- Lose water
- Parch
- They dread changes when water is removed
- Thrown into disorder, they dared to remove water!
- Condensation
- Condensation due, we hear
- Dawn moisture
- Droplets on lawn
- Early freshness
- Form of precipitation
- morning bead
- ... ginger ale
- Arid
- Desiccate
- Doctor, why so thirsty?
- It’s boring on the wagon
- Lacking moisture
- Lacking water
- Loss of water
- Moisture loss
- Suffering loss of water
- The act or process of freeing from water; also, the
condition of a body from which the water has been removed.