- Make formal speech - Speak rhetorically - To speak rhetorically; to make a formal speech or
oration; to harangue; specifically, to recite a speech, poem, etc., in
public as a rhetorical exercise; to practice public speaking; as, the
students declaim twice a week. - To speak for rhetorical display; to speak pompously,
noisily, or theatrically; to make an empty speech; to rehearse trite
arguments in debate; to rant. - To utter in public; to deliver in a rhetorical or set
manner. - To defend by declamation; to advocate loudly.
- A formal speech - Art union e g - Art union, e.g - Deal with commercial attire - Deal with house location - direct attention to - Envelope inscription
- A formal speech - Address - Formal speech - No allowance for speech - No going back after a riot disrupted formal address - On air to make speech - Speech
- Address - Address needed before day for prize-giving - Faculty of speaking - Monologue - Oration - Strange cheeps or utterance - Talk given to an audience