- Blanch - Bleach - Bleach it when developing - Lose colour - To grow white; to turn or become white or whiter; as,
the hair whitens with age; the sea whitens with foam; the trees in
spring whiten with blossoms. - To make white; to bleach; to blanch; to whitewash; as,
to whiten a wall; to whiten cloth.
- Lose colour - Peroxide was the first bottle to leak - Remove colour from - Toilet cleaner - To make white, or whiter; to remove the color, or stains,
from; to blanch; to whiten. - To grow white or lose color; to whiten.
- Daffodil shades - Darkens with age - Discolours (of paper) - Discolours through age - discolours with age - Shades of gold - Why fellows lose their heads over different shades of a primary colour