- Braid of hair
- Curl of hair
- Curly lock of hair
- Lock of hair
- Long curl seen on actress
- Long lock
- Plait
- A long lock of hair hanging prominently by itself; an
earlock; -- worn by men of fashion in the reigns of Elizabeth and James
- Tolkien's main hobbit
- Tolkien’s main hobbit
- A rapier; a sword; so named from Bilbao, in Spain.
- A long bar or bolt of iron with sliding shackles, and a lock
at the end, to confine the feet of prisoners or offenders, esp. on
board of ships.
- Butt of a rifle
- Hoard
- itemized list if everything you have
- Reserve supply
- shares a plant
- The goods in a shop
- The stem, or main body, of a tree or plant; the fixed,
strong, firm part; the trunk.