Large Land Mass Crossword Clue

Latest updated: 12-12-2019
Below are possible answer for general crossword clue: large land mass. We have 10 answers for large land mass in our database.

Possible answers to large land mass

- Large land mass
- Vast landmass
- Serving to restrain or limit; restraining; opposing.
- Exercising restraint as to the indulgence of desires or passions; temperate; moderate.
- Abstaining from sexual intercourse; exercising restraint upon the sexual appetite; esp., abstaining from illicit sexual intercourse; chaste.
- Not interrupted; connected; continuous; as, a continent fever.
- That which contains anything; a receptacle.

- Alp
- K2, say
- Large hill
- NZ range, ... Alps
- A large mass of earth and rock, rising above the common level of the earth or adjacent land; earth and rock forming an isolated peak or a ridge; an eminence higher than a hill; a mount.
- A range, chain, or group of such elevations; as, the White Mountains.
- A mountainlike mass; something of great bulk.

- Beg Eric to change ice mass
- Crisp Lettuce Variety
- Floating ice mass
- Frozen floating mass
- Frozen mass in the sea
- Large floating mass
- Large frozen mass in the sea

- ... of Man
- ... of Skye
- A small island
- Area of London, ... of Dogs
- Half of Carlisle is a separate landmass
- I’ll audition man, perhaps
- I’ll be told to find tiny landmass

- Atoll
- Corfu or Ibiza
- Corsica or Java
- Country that is surrounded by water
- Crete or Malta
- Fraser, Rottnest, e.g.
- Hawaii, the Big ...

- 4840 sq. yards
- A broad expanse of sea cress
- Area measurements
- Broad expanse
- Cares about pieces of land
- Estate can give you a nasty scare
- Farm plot measures

- Boulder
- Boulder made of granite or cork, perhaps
- Hard confectionery
- Large rugged mass of stone
- Large stone
- Move cradle around the clock?
- Move to and fro

- A crime organised by a superpower
- Air came (anag)
- Continent
- Continent South ...
- Erica follows Ma back to the US
- Land mass of the US
- Nation named after Mr A Vespucci

- A continent
- Areas I appraise around the East
- Aussie, an odd character on this continent
- Cambodia's continent
- China and Vietnam are there
- China is there
- Continent

- An extent of land
- Extent of land
- Of a large allotment of land
- Property
- Rural holding
- Spread of land
- Acres collectively; as, the acreage of a farm or a country.

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