- Being added - Increasing gradually - Of an addition - Pertaining to, or resulting from, the process of
growth; as, the incremental lines in the dentine of teeth.
- A gradual increase in loudness - Big finish - Climax - End soccer riot with big finish - Gradual increase in loudness - Gradually increasing sound - Growing intensity
- A method of treatment, devised by Pasteur, for
preventing certain diseases, as hydrophobia, by successive inoculations
with an attenuated virus of gradually increasing strength. - Pasteurization.
- An instrument consisting of small bars of wood, flat at
the bottom and rounded at the top, and resting on the edges of a kind
of open box. They are unequal in size, gradually increasing from the
smallest to the largest, and are tuned to the diatonic scale. The tones
are produced by striking the pieces of wood with hard balls attached to
flexible sticks.