- Coerce - Healthy - Healthy at first taking heart and lung exercises - In good health - Robust - Sound; entire; healthy; robust; not impaired; as, a hale
body. - Welfare.
- Good health - In greatest health - Well-being - The state or quality of being fit; as, the fitness of
measures or laws; a person's fitness for office.
- Curative - Good for health - Having healing properties - Having therapeutic properties - Remedial - Therapeutic - Having curative or palliative properties; used for the
cure or alleviation of bodily disorders; as, medicinal tinctures,
plants, or springs.
- Conducive to bodily health - Conducive to general well being - Conducive to general wellbeing - Conducive to good health - Conducive to wellbeing - Physically or morally beneficial - Total amount sounds healthy!
- 50/50 I turn bad - Ailing - Ailing king took no part in killing - Anxious ... at ease - Anxious, ... at ease - Badly sick in Seville - Badly written in Braille