- Hot-air machine
- Laundry machine
- Hair-styling appliance
- Hot air appliance
- Hot-air machine
- Laundry appliance
- Laundry machine
- Thirstier
- See Drier.
- A platform
- Cook meats over boiling water
- Early locomotive, ... engine
- Hissing sound
- Hot air
- Kettle mist
- Lose momentum, run out of ...
- Brush or comb this
- Filament
- Fur
- Head covering
- Head growth
- Headlocks?
- Locks
- Ancient battle vehicle
- Ancient horsedrawn vehicle
- Ben Hur’s vehicle
- Colleague primarily used hot-air transport
- Head chef has new hot-air vehicle
- Roman battle vehicle
- Roman carriage
- A heavyweight of the Flat Earth Society?
- Crush
- Earth flattener
- Earth flattening machine
- Heavy road leveller
- Heavy slow-moving vehicle
- Hot air curler creates juggernaut