- ... of David
- Asian spice, ... anise
- Asterisk
- Brave person
- Celebrity
- Celestial body
- Centre of a solar system
- Cherub
- Divine messenger
- Guardian spirit
- Heavenly being
- Heavenly body
- Heavenly creature
- Heavenly messenger
- Inspirational authority
- Inspirational leader; celebrity
- inspirational person
- Person who inspires others
- Prominent member of a group
- Star
- Any body that gives light, especially one of the heavenly
- The peepul tree; esp., the very ancient tree standing at
Anurajahpoora in Ceylon, grown from a slip of the tree under which
Gautama is said to have received the heavenly light and so to have
become Buddha.
- What phenomenon causes light to bend when entering water?
- The act of refracting, or the state of being refracted.
- The change in the direction of ray of light, heat, or
the like, when it enters obliquely a medium of a different density from
that through which it has previously moved.
- The change in the direction of a ray of light, and,
consequently, in the apparent position of a heavenly body from which it
emanates, arising from its passage through the earth's atmosphere; --
hence distinguished as atmospheric refraction, or astronomical
- The correction which is to be deducted from the
apparent altitude of a heavenly body on account of atmospheric
refraction, in order to obtain the true altitude.
- Abnormality
- Unusual occurrence
- The act of wandering; deviation, especially from truth
or moral rectitude, from the natural state, or from a type.
- A partial alienation of reason.
- A small periodical change of position in the stars and
other heavenly bodies, due to the combined effect of the motion of
light and the motion of the observer; called annual aberration, when
the observer's motion is that of the earth in its orbit, and daily or
diurnal aberration, when of the earth on its axis; amounting when
greatest, in the former case, to 20.4'', and in the latter, to 0.3''.
Planetary aberration is that due to the motion of light and the motion
of the planet relative to the earth.
- The convergence to different foci, by a lens or mirror,
of rays of light emanating from one and the same point, or the
deviation of such rays from a single focus; called spherical
aberration, when due to the spherical form of the lens or mirror, such
form giving different foci for central and marginal rays; and chromatic
aberration, when due to different refrangibilities of the colored rays
of the spectrum, those of each color having a distinct focus.
- The passage of blood or other fluid into parts not
appropriate for it.