- Aussie bird - Australian bird - Australian coat-of-arms creature - Australian native in the museum - australian scrub bird - Big Bird seen in The Muppets - Bird
- Bird that feeds in shallow water - Heron, crane, e.g. - Long-legged bird - Wading bird - One who, or that which, wades. - Any long-legged bird that wades in the water in search of
food, especially any species of limicoline or grallatorial birds; --
called also wading bird. See Illust. g, under Aves.
- Baby-snatcher - Bird for babies - Long-legged bird - Wading bird - Any one of several species of large wading birds of the
family Ciconidae, having long legs and a long, pointed bill. They are
found both in the Old World and in America, and belong to Ciconia and
several allied genera. The European white stork (Ciconia alba) is the
best known. It commonly makes its nests on the top of a building, a
chimney, a church spire, or a pillar. The black stork (C. nigra) is
native of Asia, Africa, and Europe.
- Cut of beef - Cut of meat - Leg part - See Chank. - The part of the leg from the knee to the foot; the shin; the
shin bone; also, the whole leg. - Hence, that part of an instrument, tool, or other thing,
which connects the acting part with a handle or other part, by which it
is held or moved. - That part of a key which is between the bow and the part
which enters the wards of the lock.