- Age-old
- Conventional
- Customary
- Engineer and tailor keep it conventional
- Habitual
- Handed down
- Long-established
- Average
- Common
- Conforming to a standard
- Habitual
- Left behind Roman ruin as usual
- Marlon could be quite ordinary
- Norm & little Albert are conventional
- Habitual
- Usual; habitual
- Agreeing with, or established by, custom; established by
common usage; conventional; habitual.
- Holding or held by custom; as, customary tenants;
customary service or estate.
- A book containing laws and usages, or customs; as, the
Customary of the Normans.
- Habitual sleeplessness
- It’s guaranteed to cause you to lose sleep
- Mansion I demolished because of my inability to get some shuteye
- Sleeplessness
- Wakefulness
- Want of sleep; inability to sleep; wakefulness;
- Compulsive pill-popper
- Compulsive user
- Devotee
- Habitual user
- Mad dictator took in junkie
- Person dependent on drugs
- Slave to a vice