- A draw
- Attach
- Attachment
- Be neck and neck wear?
- Bind
- Bond
- Business attire, suit and ...
- Agree aunt made promise
- Agree with aunt about warranty
- Appliance’s warranty
- Assurance
- Assure
- Bond
- Certify a tug ran about with ease
- Attachment
- Bond
- Broken kiln connection
- Chain loop
- Connect
- Connect by association
- Connect some coil in knot
- Connections between family members’ joints
- Emotional bond
- Particular connection
- Romantic attachment
- Tie-up
- The state of being related by kindred, affinity, or
other alliance.
- Bind
- Commercial bond
- Connection
- Interconnection
- Keep busy with what you do to loose ends
- Make fast connection
- Merger