Group Of Three Crossword Clue

Latest updated: 13-01-2018
Below are possible answer for general crossword clue: group of three. We have 6 answers for group of three in our database.

Possible answers to group of three

- Group of three
- Threesome
- The union of three persons (the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost) in one Godhead, so that all the three are one God as to substance, but three persons as to individuality.
- Any union of three in one; three units treated as one; a triad, as the Hindu trinity, or Trimurti.
- Any symbol of the Trinity employed in Christian art, especially the triangle.

- A group of three
- A set or group of three
- Group like Peter, Paul and Mary
- Group of three
- Musical work
- Odd characters tore icon into a set of three
- Set of three

- A set or group of three
- Chinese secret society
- Group of three
- Secret society
- A union of three; three objects treated as one; a ternary; a trinity; as, a triad of deities.
- A chord of three notes.
- The common chord, consisting of a tone with its third and fifth, with or without the octave.

- Group Of Three Novels, Plays, Etc
- Group of three works
- Three times the volume?
- A series of three dramas which, although each of them is in one sense complete, have a close mutual relation, and form one historical and poetical picture. Shakespeare's " Henry VI." is an example.

- Group of three sharing supreme power
- of Triumvir

- A triplet.
- A triplet; a group of three lines.

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