- Attempt - Attempt rugby goal - Attempt to prosecute - Attempt to score in rugby - Check fit of, ... on - Effort - Effort made when witches' group leaves Coventry
- Slight amount - To talk superficially or ignorantly; to babble; to
chatter. - To have a slight taste, or a slight, superficial
knowledge, of anything; to smack. - To talk superficially about. - To gain a slight taste of; to acquire a slight,
superficial knowledge of; to smack. - Superficial knowledge; a smattering.
- Act of chasing after something - Chase - The act of following or going after; esp., a following
with haste, either for sport or in hostility; chase; prosecution; as,
the pursuit of game; the pursuit of an enemy. - A following with a view to reach, accomplish, or
obtain; endeavor to attain to or gain; as, the pursuit of knowledge;
the pursuit of happiness or pleasure. - Course of business or occupation; continued employment
with a view to same end; as, mercantile pursuits; a literary pursuit. - Prosecution.