- A prolonged state of unconsciousness - Deep extended sleep - Deep sleep - Deepest (sleep) - Long sleep needed by company graduate - State induced in disco mayhem - Stupor
- Bear’s winter dormancy - Deep winter sleep - Inactivity in Hibernia not disturbed - Move into Bahrein for a long sleep - Winter dormancy - Winter sleep - The act or state of hibernating.
- Dense - Heavyset - Stupid - Measuring in the third dimension other than length and
breadth, or in general dimension other than length; -- said of a solid
body; as, a timber seven inches thick. - Having more depth or extent from one surface to its
opposite than usual; not thin or slender; as, a thick plank; thick
cloth; thick paper; thick neck. - Dense; not thin; inspissated; as, thick vapors. Also
used figuratively; as, thick darkness. - Not transparent or clear; hence, turbid, muddy, or
misty; as, the water of a river is apt to be thick after a rain.
- Noise - Well balanced - Whole - The air bladder of a fish; as, cod sounds are an esteemed
article of food. - A cuttlefish. - Whole; unbroken; unharmed; free from flaw, defect, or
decay; perfect of the kind; as, sound timber; sound fruit; a sound
tooth; a sound ship. - Healthy; not diseased; not being in a morbid state; --
said of body or mind; as, a sound body; a sound constitution; a sound
- Doze - Give plumber a new start? Sleep on it - Sleep - To sleep; especially, to sleep lightly; to doze. - To be in a state of negligence, sloth, supineness, or
inactivity. - To lay to sleep. - To stun; to stupefy.