- Direct with a finger
- Full stop
- Item
- Knife tip
- moment in time
- Nub
- Promontory
- End of discussion
- Epoch
- False pride concealed love, for a time
- Full stop
- Full stop usa
- Interval of time
- Length or portion of time
- Complete cessation of movement
- Complete stop
- Complete stop on kiosk’s cash drawer
- Deadlock
- Don’t move a muscle! Full stop!
- Don’t move kiosk’s cash drawer
- Grinding halt
- A speck
- Could Otto include decimal point?
- Decimal point
- Dorothy or Mark?
- Fleck
- Mark comes to a full stop
- Mark, polka ...
- Glass half full person
- Positive person
- Stop it! I’m off to find a glass-half-full kind of person!
- One who holds the opinion that all events are ordered for
the best.
- One who looks on the bright side of things, or takes
hopeful views; -- opposed to pessimist.
- Positive thinkers
- Stop it! I’m off to find a glass-half-full kind of person!
- Complete
- Crammed
- Loaded
- overfed
- Replete
- Replete, gorged
- Sated