- Frenzy
- I enter deli. Rum hallucination
- Mental confusion
- A state in which the thoughts, expressions, and actions
are wild, irregular, and incoherent; mental aberration; a roving or
wandering of the mind, -- usually dependent on a fever or some other
disease, and so distinguished from mania, or madness.
- Strong excitement; wild enthusiasm; madness.
- Agitated state
- Ague
- Excitement
- Frenzy
- Great bodily heat
- High body temperature
- High temperature
- Anger
- Frenzy
- Great anger
- Passion
- Rage
- Violent anger
- Violent passion
- Emotional frenzy
- Frenzied emotional state
- Frenzied mental disorder this year
- His teary outburst created crowd panic
- State of wild agitation
- Uncontrollable laughter
- A nervous affection, occurring almost exclusively in
women, in which the emotional and reflex excitability is exaggerated,
and the will power correspondingly diminished, so that the patient
loses control over the emotions, becomes the victim of imaginary
sensations, and often falls into paroxism or fits.