- Burial chamber - Burial ground - Crypt - Early Christian hide-out tunnel - Give Pussy a grooming for the underground cemetery - Tunnel in Muscat? A combat division - Underground alcoved tunnel for burying the dead
- Burial chamber - The place in which the dead body of a human being is
interred, or a place set apart for that purpose; a grave; a tomb. - To bury; to inter; to entomb; as, obscurely
- Burial chamber - Like this clue, I see, dropped off in the vault - Subterranean chamber - Tomb - Underground cell - Underground room or vault - Underground vault
- Bury - Bury Tom and Ben together, somehow - Inter - Place in a burial chamber - Place in a grave - Trap underground - To deposit in a tomb, as a dead body; to bury; to inter;
to inhume.